Consumer Research

Real humans. Verified purchases. Quality results.

Consumer Research grounded in behaviorally-verified sampling. Understand shopper motivations, attitudes and preferences by combining the power of cutting-edge research techniques with industry-leading data science. The experience we have designing solutions in retail and brand empowers CPGs to act based on a better understanding their shoppers.

Consumer Research

Understand your consumer, better

Confidently reach consumers of your products for more accurate data and faster delivery of insights. 84.51˚ gives you the power to run single source behavioral reporting to integrate insights across data for a holistic understanding of your consumer.

Talk to the right consumer

Know you are talking to the right consumer with our robust behaviorally-verified sampling. Speak with consumers based on verified purchases rather than relying on their memory.

Integrate behavioral and attitudinal data

Gather insights incorporating behavioral segmentations to better understand the "why" behind behavioral engagement and even incorporate advanced analytics to predict what matters for consumer engagement.

Make your research more relevant

Leverage our combined knowledge of retail and brands to scope projects that uncover insights to move your business forward.

Survey work grounded in actual consumer behavior.

84.51˚ Consumer Research uncovers motivations and insights with the added benefit of robust retail data and retail expertise.

Behaviorally-Verified Sampling

The ability to reach consumers based on verified purchase data, rather than what they recall, allows us to deliver results with confidence and efficiency.

Rooted in Behavioral Data

Our research starts with the behavioral data to root our research in the right questions. We then balance speed, science, and strategy to ensure business needs are met.

Choose Your Path

From quick turn solutions to fully customized research, choose what best addresses your business question, budget and timing needs.

Build Your Kroger Business

Partner with our in-house experts to identify actionable insights that will impact your business at Kroger and across the total market.

84.51° Consumer Research Solutions

Segmentation Exploration

Understand your segmentations to better design targeted activations that resonate with your core consumers.

Real-Time Insights

Understand consumer perceptions and motivations around a category or brand to design activations that meet consumer needs.

Idea Screen

Gain consumer feedback to new ideas, services, flavors or features to prioritize the innovation that resonate best with key consumer groups.

Concept Test

Release the product, service or brand concept that optimizes consumer reaction.

Virtual In-Store Testing

Gain confidence to implement changes in-store based on responses from behaviorally-verified shoppers within a best-in-class virtual testing environment, ensuring you are understanding impacts to your most relevant consumers.

7MM The number of consumers we talked to last year

New Product Trier

Provide context to behavioral perfomance of a newly launched product to inform marketing and potential product optimization.

Recall & Perceptions

Understand the breakthrough of your in-store campaigns to inform optimization of future in-store marketing tactics.

Unmet Needs

Uncover needs-based opportunities for your category or brand to drive consumer desired innovation decisions.

Predikt & Reakt

Inform category strategy by understanding the attitudinal drivers of actual sales in the category.

Mobile Missions

Understand consumers behavior in real moments to drive the right optimization and changes to the store experience and/or website.

We’re leading a data revolution in the retail business, and we’re looking for partners who are ready for a deeper, more personal approach to customer engagement.

Let’s connect