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Chain Store Age: Kroger Precision Marketing gives shoppers ads they want

8451 SME Profile Headshots 385 X 400 Michael Schuh 2 X
Michael Schuh, VP, Media Strategy, Kroger Precision Marketing at 84.51°

Chain Store Age recently spoke with Michael Schuh, VP, product strategy & innovation at Kroger Precision Marketing (KPM), a division of The Kroger Co. focused on connecting brand partners with shoppers. Schuh described KPM’s mission and how it uses data analytics to deliver relevant advertising that benefits both brands and customers.

“KPM was founded for the purpose of leveraging first-party data, combined with customer profiles, to make localized advertising more effective wherever it lives,” said Schuh. “Whether that is our proprietary app, or other channels such as Allrecipes (through a partnership with Meredith), Pinterest, or Roku connected TV.”

Click here to read full Chain Store Age article.

8451 SME Profile Headshots 385 X 400 Michael Schuh 2 X
Michael Schuh, VP, Media Strategy, Kroger Precision Marketing at 84.51°
As Vice President of Media Strategy, Michael Schuh and his team develop retail media products across Kroger’s onsite and off-site channels to drive measurable business impact for advertisers. His responsibilities incl...

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