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Forbes: AI Trends in 2022: What's Real and What's Hype? Hear From the Experts

What is one bad recommendation you often hear being given to business leaders in the data and analytics space?

We’ve heard cliched claims such as “data is the new oil” or ‘AI is a strategic enabler.” Some of these are marketing devices that have outlived their usefulness, while others are well-intended advice that can still cause harm.

Businesses are often advised to focus on strategic use cases. While this is sound guidance for getting an AI program up and running, it becomes limiting as initiatives proliferate. Organizations struggle to align and synchronize across their many “strategic” initiatives. This leads to technical debt, redundant solutions, and disjointed customer experiences. Organizations must rapidly pivot from localized point solutions with AI to orchestrated and scalable capabilities across the enterprise. – Todd James, Chief Data & Technology Officer of 84.51˚

Click here to read full Forbes article.

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