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Winsight Grocery Business: How to get omnichannel shoppers to move up the loyalty ladder

84.51°'s Barbara Connors breaks down what she sees as imperatives for winning and keeping channel surfers.

Omnichannel shoppers often are among a grocery retailer's biggest fans, spending more than either online-only or in-store-only customers. But their expectations for the online experience—and their motivations for shopping online—are evolving, and retailers need to evolve their online offerings as well, says Barbara Connors, VP of commercial insights for Kroger-owned data and media company 84.51°. In a recent 84.51° omnichannel shopper survey, 85% of current online grocery shoppers said they planned to maintain or increase their e-commerce use in 20221. Connors, in her latest conversation with WGB, talks about the need to move beyond a strictly category-based shopping experience and opportunities to better connect with price-sensitive shoppers online.

Click here to read the full Winsight Grocery Business article.

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