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Retail Leader: Using first-party data to drive loyalty and devotion

Macro-economic events have built upon each other during the last three years. The COVID-19 pandemic led many shoppers to change their lifestyles, disrupted the supply chain, and changed how and what food consumers purchased. As a result, e-commerce accelerated in the grocery channel. During the past year, inflation has been top of mind and a concern for many.  

According to Alex Trott, director of insights at 84.51° each of these events have created massive shifts in consumer behavior in three distinct ways: 

  • Where consumers shop. 

  • What shoppers buy.

  • How customers save.

 “While most customers agree that inflation levels are highly concerning, there is no consensus on how long it will last,” Trott told Retail Leader. “Perspectives and predictions vary considerably by age group, with the younger generation most confident that inflation will last less than a year. In contrast, the older generations are more likely to think that this inflationary environment will last longer and potentially more than two years.


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