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Combine onsite and offsite ads for maximum impact

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Connecting with consumers across a fragmented media landscape is rife with challenges—and opportunities. Consumer attention is spread across numerous digital channels, streaming services and social platforms. The key to success is understanding the best ways to utilize onsite and offsite advertising to connect with consumers at the right time and place.  

The synergy of onsite and offsite ads

Onsite and offsite advertising both play crucial roles along the customer journey. Offsite ad formats like streaming and video ads offer the ability to reach consumers outside of a brand's physical footprint and drive brand awareness. Onsite advertising—such as in-store displays and promotions—provides a timely approach when shoppers are at the point of purchase. Pairing them together allows brands to reach shoppers across the entire path to purchase, from initial awareness to the final decision-making process. 

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Download our infographic to learn how a CPG brand utilized a strategic mix of offsite and onsite ads to convert non-buying households into repeat purchasers.  

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