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Training: Fostering the Talent of Introverted Employees

When it comes to workplace productivity and success, there’s a growing conversation around the personality traits of introversion and extroversion. While both types of individuals can make valuable contributions to a team, their approaches can vary widely: Extroverts are typically viewed as outgoing and assertive, while Introverts are often perceived as reserved and introspective. You also have ambiverts, who sit somewhere in the middle of the two.

Research suggests the difference-maker in these personalities is the way our brains process stimuli. That’s also why introverts and extroverts gain their energy from different sources: While extroverts are energized by high-stimulus settings like going to a party, introverts’ energy comes from lower-stimulus environments like reading a book. There’s no one true 100 percent extrovert or introvert — we all exist somewhere on the spectrum that runs between them.


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